Adventuring 101



skills - show a list of skills your character knows or will know

 The SKILLS command is used to display your character's list of available
 proficiencies or spells.  They are listed in order of level, with spell point
 cost (for spells)listed where applicable.

 Spells are of a magical nature and require the use of spell points and possibly
 reagents to cast them.  Proficiencies are the more 'physical' skills such as
 weapons skills, tracking, stealing and the like.

 There are several different schools among which the proficiencies and spells
 are divided. Schools are a way of classifying the tangible aspects of a spell
 or proficiency, and while some spells may seem to overlap schools, there is
 generally one main school in which they fit the best.

 If a character receives a spell or proficiency from more than one class, that
 character receives a bonus of skillpower for that skill, at the rate of +5
 skillpower for each class giving the redundant skill.

 This command will display all of the proficiencies and spells
 received by a Adventurer who went the specified class path. In addition, a list
 of all stat modifiers received from the chosen class' primary attributes is
 provided. Any skills that redundant within that classpath will have the amount
 of passive skillpower noted, as well as the benefit gained.

 Weaponry    (WEA)  Proficiencies that involve a physical weapon.
 Defense     (DEF)  Proficiencies that are primarily defensive in nature
 Combat      (COM)  Proficiencies that are primarily combative in nature 
 Technical   (TEK)  Proficiencies that involve technical knowledge
 Mystical    (MYS)  Proficiencies that use supernatural forces or mental powers

 Pyromancy      (PYR)      Fire
 Lavamancy      (LAV)      Lava
 Magmamancy     (MAG)      Magma
 Aeromancy      (AIR)      Wind
 Terramancy     (TER)      The world
 Lutomancy      (DRT)      Dirt
 Hydromancy     (HYD)      Water
 Aquamancy      (AQA)      Freshwater
 Glaciomancy    (GLC)      Ice
 Vivomancy      (VIV)      Life & Growth
 Hematomancy    (BLD)      Blood
 Cruciomancy    (CRC)      Pain
 Noxomancy      (NOX)      Toxins
 Dreadmancy     (DRD)      Dread
 Umbramancy     (SHD)      Shadows
 Electromancy   (LCT)      Lightning
 Ferromancy     (FER)      Iron
 Geomancy       (GEO)      Geography & Leylines
 Astromancy     (AST)      Other planes
 Negamancy      (NEG)      Nothingness
 Chaosmancy     (CHS)      Chaos
 Morphomancy    (MRP)      Changing forms
 Retromancy     (RTR)      The past
 Chronomancy    (CRN)      Time
 Diamancy       (GOD)      Deities
 Sanctomancy    (SNC)      Religiosity
 Artemancy      (ART)      The soul
 Coromancy      (HRT)      The body
 Neuromancy     (BRN)      The mind
 Veritamancy    (TRT)      Truth
 Stupomancy     (STP)      Ignorance
 Destructomancy (DIE)      Entropy
 Metamancy      (MTA)      Spellcasting
 Velocimancy    (SPD)      Movement
 Chromatomancy  (CLR)      Sight & Colors
 Arthropomancy  (MAN)      Beetles
 Bestiamancy    (BST)      Animals
 Papyrimancy    (MGC)      Magical creatures
 Anthropomancy  (BTL)      Sentient creatures
 Unimancy       (OBJ)      Inanimate objects

 Classes that use magic and need spellbooks must scribe their spells into
 spellbooks in order to cast them. Each spell has a different complexity

 rating; the spell caster will be able to learn and use spells of a certain

 complexity and below depending upon their level.

 The colors in the skill display indicate the following:
 Bright Yellow       You can use the skill, and it has no special 
 Dim Yellow          You do not currently have the PCC or SCC required
                     to be able to use the skill
 Bright Green        The skill has been magically altered in a positive
                     manner, most likely by an item you are wearing
 Bright Red          The skill has been magically altered in a negative
                     manner, most likely by an item you are wearing
 Dark Gray           The skill is not currently available to you, but 
                     will be once you attain the required percentage
                     of PCC or SCC.